What Are Your Responsibilities As An Employee In Qatar?
On 06 Apr 2021
If you are one of the expat workers who applied for jobs in Qatar وظائف في قطر and offered with a work opportunity, there are rules and regulations that you need to comply with after accepting your new role.
Once you sign an employment contract in the country, it is important for you to abide by the Qatar Labour Law to avoid violation, deportation, and even cancellation of your residence or work permit.
What are your responsibilities as a worker based on your employment contract?
Article (42) The worker shall undertake the following:
• To perform the work by himself and exercise the care of the ordinary man in its performance.
• To carry out the orders of the employer concerning the performance of the work if these orders do not include orders which contravene the law or the contract and if the carrying out of these orders does not subject the worker to danger.
• Not to work for third parties for or without a wage.
• To take care of the raw materials, means of production, products etc. which are in his possession or under his disposal and to take the necessary steps for their safekeeping and maintenance.
• To carry out the safety and professional health instructions prescribed in the establishment.
• To cooperate in the prevention of the occurrence of accidents in the place of work or in the alleviation of the results thereof.
• To continuously procure the professional and cultural development of his skills and expertise in accordance with the regulations and procedures prescribed by the employer in participation with the concerned authority within the limits of available facilities.
• Not to disclose the secrets of the employer even after expiry of the contract.
• Not to use the work tools outside the place of work without permission of the employer and to keep such tools in the places designated therefore.
• Not to accept gifts, remuneration, commission or sums in respect of performance of his duties otherwise than from the employer.
• To return on the expiry of the contract the non-consumed tools or materials at his disposal.
Consulting an expert in outsourcing in Qatar can guide you in understanding all these policies.
What are your duties in order to maintain your safety at the workplace?
The worker shall not commit any action or omission with the intention of hampering the execution of the instructions of the employer concerning the conservation of the health of the workers or securing their safety or with the intention of damag- ing or breaking down any appliance or equipment prepared for this purpose.
The worker shall use the protection devices and the uniform prepared as provided to him by the employer and shall obey all instructions of the employer aiming at protecting the worker from injuries and diseases.
*Note: If you are working in the field of construction and infrastructure, see more information in Chapter 9 on the workers of establishments.
Ready to jumpstart your new career? Try searching for more job opportunities in Qatar فرص عمل في قطر with the help of recruiters who are professional in outsourcing in Doha.
Are you obliged to compensate the employer for any damage you cause?
It is legal to make you pay for damage you cause after due investigation of the incident.
Deducing the amount of compensation from your salary, provided that it does not exceed a seven-day payment per month.
You can place a complaint with the labor department within seven days after receiving the compensation estimate notice.